

사탄스토는 미국의 초기 소설가 제임스 페니모어 쿠퍼의 1845년 소설이다. 때때로 "리틀페이지의 가족" 또는 "리틀페이지의 원고"라는 대체 제목과 함께 나열되는 이 소설은 세 가지 소설 주기 중 첫 번째이며, 그 다음으로는 "체인베어러"와 "레드스킨스"가 있다. 이 소설은 18세기 뉴욕의 식민지를 탐험한 허구적인 자서전이다.[1]


  1. ^ Cooper, Susan Fenimore (1861). "Satamstoe (1845)". Pages and Pictures from the Writings of James Fenimore Cooper. W.A. Townsend and Co. – via James Fenimore Cooper Society.

추가 읽기

  • Bier, Jesse (1968). "The Bisection of Cooper: Satanstoe as Prime Example". Texas Studies in Literature and Language. 9 (4): 511–521. JSTOR 40753962.
  • Dondore, Dorothy (1940). "The Debt of Two Dyed-in-the-Wool Americans to Mrs. Grant's Memoirs: Cooper's Satanstoe and Paulding's the Dutchman's Fireside". American Literature. 12 (1): 52–58. doi:10.2307/2920388. JSTOR 2920388.
  • Lindstrum, June Laurel (1967). A comparison of two novels by James Fenimore Cooper: The Pioneers and Satanstoe. University of La Verne.
  • Pickering, James H. (1967). "Satanstoe: Cooper's Debt to William Dunlap". American Literature. 38 (4): 468–477. doi:10.2307/2923453. JSTOR 2923453.
  • Slater, Joseph (1951). "The Dutch Treat in Cooper's Satanstoe". American Speech. 26 (2): 153–154. doi:10.2307/453404. JSTOR 453404.
  • Wallace, James D. (1993). James D. Wallace (ed.). Race and Spiritualism in Satanstoe. James Fenimore Cooper: His Country and His Art, Papers from the. The State University of New York College at Oneonta. Oneonta, New York. pp. 112–119.
  • Wallace, James D. (2009). "Cooper and Slavery". Cooper Panel of the 1992 Conference of the American Literature Association in San Diego. Vol. 12.
  • West, Donna Lou (1971). "The Literary Mythologists, Cooper and Irving: Dutch Heroes in Satanstoe and Knickerbocker's History of New York. And, the Place of Narrative in the Institutions of Dog Trading and Horse Trading". University of Texas at Austin. {{cite journal}}: Cite 저널은 필요로 한다. journal= (도움말)

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